trading strategyindustry effectWe propose to extend and complete the attached study of the "turn-of-the-month" effect in equity returns in two ways. First, we propose to study whether the effect is more pronounced among certain industries where industries are determined by SIC codes and/or the...
00:50-23:0012:40 AM 00:40 Singapore8:50 AM-7:00 AM 08:50-07:008:40 AM 08:40 Sunday Pre-Open 5:10 PM ET; Closed on Saturday Codes Clearing Admin Name O-Crude Diffs Physical DBO Logical DBO GMI (FC) YB ION A.C.N. Symbol Code DBO...
On October 14th, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference in Beijing to centrally release 100 public safety industry standards, including 5 technical specifications for electronic data forensics, all implemented on May 1st, 2022. One of the newly released items is the Technical Specif...