Montgomery to Take Control When Animal Shelter Moves into New Site (Posted 2013-06-26 11:53:31) ; Montgomery County Is Preparing to Take Control of Its Animal Shelter from a Longtime Nonprofit OperatorTurque, Bill
Select Your County -- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester CountyClarion CountyColumbia CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna County...
Select Your County -- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester CountyClarion CountyColumbia CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna County...
This fee is separate from the primary obligation of the dog license fee you are paying the county. The "Total Payment Due" includes the convenience fee. Please be advised that the dog license is only valid for the calendar year.About®® is a leading "...
This fee is separate from the primary obligation of the dog license fee you are paying the county. The "Total Payment Due" includes the convenience fee. Please be advised that the dog license is only valid for the calendar year.About®® is a leading "...
Select Your County -- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester CountyClarion CountyColumbia CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna County...
Select Your County -- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester CountyClarion CountyColumbia CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna County...
Email renewal notices will be sent to dog's owners Starting December 1. The process should be completed by December 5. Please be patient and wait for your renewal notice, so you don't create duplicate records in the system. We have completed emailing the renewal notices for the following c...
After November 30TH, 2021 licenses must be purchased thru your county treasurer's office. Pennsylvania State Law mandates that all dogs 3 months of age or older must be licensed. Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1st of each yearREGARDLESSof when the license was purchased the previous ...
Our system is being used at 368 locations by 896 county treasurer's office staff, outside agents, Dog Wardens, 911 centers and Police Departments. The system comes with two system in one. True Web Based Cloud System 100% managed and secured cloud system. ZERO IT resources. Patches and back...