-- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester CountyClarion CountyColumbia CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna CountyLancaster CountyLawre...
Pennsylvania State Law mandates that all dogs 8 weeks or older must be licensed. Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each yearREGARDLESSof when the license was purchased the previous year. Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 for the current year. Please spread the wor...
Select Your County Go To PADogLicenseNOTICE We have reunited more than "8,997 LOST PETS". Over 305+ pets are still missing and are listed on our FREE web site "www.palostpet.com". ePetLicensing.com® charges a $2.00 per license convenience and processing fee to use the PA Dog Li...
-- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester CountyClarion CountyColumbia CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna CountyLancaster CountyLawre...
Select Your County Go To PADogLicenseNOTICE We have reunited more than "8,997 LOST PETS". Over 305+ pets are still missing and are listed on our FREE web site "www.palostpet.com". ePetLicensing.com® charges a $2.00 per license convenience and processing fee to use the PA Dog Li...
-- Choose Your County --Berks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyCambria CountyChester CountyClarion CountyColumbia CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna CountyLancaster CountyLawre...
ePayGov.com ® is a proprietary web based multi-user, multi-location turn key payment solution. Our system provides your residents the ability to pay for their taxes, pet licenses, water/sewer, parking tickets, parks and recreation fees, online and at your office. Our system will provide ...
After November 30TH, 2021 licenses must be purchased thru your county treasurer's office. Pennsylvania State Law mandates that all dogs 3 months of age or older must be licensed. Dog Licenses must be purchased by January 1st of each yearREGARDLESSof when the license was purchased the previous ...
ePayGov.com ® is a proprietary web based multi-user, multi-location turn key payment solution. Our system provides your residents the ability to pay for their taxes, pet licenses, water/sewer, parking tickets, parks and recreation fees, online and at your office. Our system will provide ...
Robust Fast Dependable Our system is being used at 368 locations by 896 county treasurer's office staff, outside agents, Dog Wardens, 911 centers and Police Departments. The system comes with two system in one. True Web Based Cloud System ...