Monte Carlo方法直观有效。从理论上说,随机模拟方法效率和精度很低,但Monte Carlo算法中模拟路径部分相互...
蒙特卡罗的基本思想在求解相关问题时,首先建立一个概率模型或者随机过程进行表征,使它的参数等于问题的解;然后通过对模型或过程的观察或进行抽样实验来计算所求参数的统计特征,最后给出所求解的近似解,比如可以用蒙特卡罗计算圆周率,而解的精确度可用估计值的标准误差来表示。 假设所求的量x是随机变量ξ的数学期望()E(...
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一.蒙特卡洛模拟 蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation)是随机模拟的别名,关于随机模拟的一个重要的问题就是:给定一个概率分布p(x),如何生成它的样本? 一般而言,均匀分布Uniform(0,1)的样本容易生成,而常见的概率分布(连续或离散)都可以基于均匀分布的样本生成,例如正态分布可以通过Box-Muller变换得到. 但是像p(x,...
Monte Carlo method n (Statistics) a heuristic mathematical technique for evaluation or estimation of intractable problems by probabilistic simulation and sampling [C20: named after the casino at Monte Carlo, where systems for winning at roulette, etc, are often tried] ...
With Monte Carlo integration, we can estimate the value of an integral:take the function value at random points the area (or volume) times the average function value estimates the integral.With Monte Carlo simulation, we can predict an expected measurement:...
Welcome To My Blog 一.蒙特卡洛模拟 蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation)是随机模拟的别名,关于随机模拟的一个重要的问题就是:给定一...
CarloUniversalPlease note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Monte Carlo Universal (MCU) is a project on development and practical use of a universal computer code for simulation of particle transport (neutrons, photons...
我们先简单回顾一下Monte Carlo Method,它起源于二战时期的“曼哈顿计划”。一方面是出于保密性考虑,另一方面蒙特卡洛方法本身就和随机事件相关联,所以冯诺依曼等科学家就以世界闻名的摩纳哥赌城为其命名,即Monte Carlo。 MC Method是一系列方法的统称,其核心思想简单来说就是通过有规律的“试验”来获取随机事件出现的概...
Monte Carlo study of a superlattice with alternate layers A Monte Carlo (MC) simulation was used to observe the magnetic behavior of a superlattice Ising Model, in the presence of both an external and crystal magn... El Yadari, M.Bahmad, L.El Kenz, A.Benyoussef, A. - 《Physica A St...