Keep most of the money in the bank in case somebody wants to organize a 1960 reunion IN MONTCLAIR. Split up the money and let classmates draw on it to plan mini-reunions in various parts of the country. Use the money to join forces with other MHS classes for a multi-class reunion. ...
The Rotary also hosted The Taste in University Hall at Montclair State University. For years, The Taste kicked off Montclair’s Restaurant Week, which was supported by 30 or more local eateries.From its inception, our club’s non-profit foundation has raised $150,000 in proceeds from The ...
I have a track record of bringing new money to Oakland, and I would do so to improve the District and the City as a whole. I’ve successfully attracted hundreds of millions of private, state and federal funds for projects like Port of Oakland pollution reduction; I-880 operational improveme...