When it comes to lightweight down jackets, they don’t come much lighter than the Montbell Plasma 1000 Down Jacket weighing in at a miserly 130 grams (medium size). In fact, according to this Reddit user’s data sheet which comparesdown jacketsit’s currently the world’s only sub 5 oz...
Montbell的羽绒服系列也因其出色的保暖性能和轻量设计而备受推崇。Plasma 1000 Down Jacket以1000蓬顶级鹅绒填充,仅重130克,提供极佳的保暖性和可压缩性,是冬季中间层的不二之选。Superior Down Jacket则采用800蓬鹅绒填充,相较Plasma更为耐用,其简约设计非常适合日常穿搭,覆盖从城市通勤到户外徒步的广泛场景。Ignis ...
mont bell官网购入Logan down parka 附尺码经验 adamagain 120 43 冬日将保暖进行到底!日亚海淘 ZOJIRUSHI 象印 SM-JB48AZ-XA 保温杯 & Montbell Superior Down Parka 羽绒服 匿名用户 34 50 始祖鸟RUSSET DOWN JACKET:男士羽绒夹克的冬季守护者 斤斤计较斤斤计 2 3 冬季的寒冷天气让人对保暖衣物的需求格外强烈...
TheMontbell Alpine Light Parkais an excellent“jack-of-all-trades”parka for cold weather or three-season plus conditions. Additionally, much like theMontbell Trekker rain jacket, if I had to own just one puffy for a quiver of one, it would be this puffy as it fits such a wide range ...