Fewer than 72,000 people in the state of New Jersey have a paid hunting license, which is less than 1% of the entire population. Maybe it’s because New Jersey gun laws are some of the most restrictive in the country—the second toughest in the nation, according to NJ.com. Another rea...
We used matrix population models to examine the relative influence of these parameters on trends in license sales and hunter participation. Resident deer and elk license sales increased 4% in Montana during 2002-2007. We found that males had greater recruitment rates, retention rates, and license ...
It is unlawful to swear to or to affirm a false statement in order to obtain an original or replacement resident hunting and/or fishing license OR to assist an unqualified applicant in obtaining a resident license (MCA 87-6-302). Resident(MCA 87-2-102) To be a lawful Montana resident an...
In 2010, Montana voters backed the rights of resident hunters and approved aballot initiativeto abolish outfitter-sponsored licenses and raise the cost of nonresident licenses. Kurt Kephart of Montana Public Wildlife called the outfitter license a “dedicated license for the wealthy non-resident.” S...
The next step will be the hardest and it’s the elephant in the room which is what do we do with all the “new” resident hunters. One of the primary motivations for the people moving here that I talk too is hunting and to escape liberal politics so most new people are hunters. I ...
“Hunting and fishing and gathering of course is part of a longtime heritage in our state,” began Arntzen. “So hunter safety, my goodness, it does have the school portion in our public school systems during off hours. We do have archery that does come into our public schools during the...
Chimney Rock Outfitters provides exclusive hunting of elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, moose and black bear on 35,000 acres of private land with a fair chase opportunity. The first priority for Chimney Rock Outfitters is locating a 5X5 or larger bull elk for you. We have a 90% success ...
Chminey Rock Outfitters hosts fair chase elk and deer hunting on a private ranch near Livingston, Montana
17,000 non-resident Elk – Deer combination and 4600 non-resident Deer combination licenses are sold on a first come – first serve basis with an April 1st license application deadline. Should the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks receive more applications in either category than available licenses...
Many guiding companies require you to purchase your fishing license before a trip, which can be done online. 8. Flathead Lake Best place for summer traditions Flathead Lake is hard to miss when visiting northwest Montana. It's the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River in the...