- Total hunting license, tags, permits and stamps: 408,368 - Gross cost of all hunting licenses: $7,629,928 Fewer than 72,000 people in the state of New Jersey have a paid hunting license, which is less than 1% of the entire population. Maybe it’s because New Jersey gun laws are...
- Gross cost of all hunting licenses: $407,485 In less than 20 years, Rhode Island sawa 40% drop in the number of hunting licensesfor residents, according to The Valley Breeze. This can have a Catch-22 effect on the wildlife population in the state. According to the Wildlife Restoration ...
Permits for either-sex elk or brow-tined bull-antlerless elk will limit the holder to hunting for antlered elk within only the designated hunting district (HD) for the period identified on the permit. Antlerless elk hunting will not be limited by the permit. A general licensemay be used t...
In 2010, Montana voters backed the rights of resident hunters and approved aballot initiativeto abolish outfitter-sponsored licenses and raise the cost of nonresident licenses. Kurt Kephart of Montana Public Wildlife called the outfitter license a “dedicated license for the wealthy non-resident.” S...
Mr. Gianforte has recently become an advocate for public lands although his definition of “public” and “access” is still somewhat hazy. In defending his lawsuit against the State of Montana in 2009 over public access along the East Gallatin River his lawyers asked for a decree to “extingu...
WalletHub released new information regarding states with the best elder abuse protections and Montana came in second to last to the state of Utah.Source: WalletHub So what is Elder Abuse? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the following are all types of Elder Abuse:...
I love that part of the world, I love your state, and vote for Ryan Zinke. And we'll see you all very soon. Thank you very much, and I appreciate the time. LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving To find out more about how has the price of gas changed ...