Local Rules for 6th Judicial District Court https://dcportal.pubcourts.mt.gov/fullcourtweb/start.do– Full Court Enterprise Log In to Public Access Portal Effective June 1, 2023 Sweet Grass County District Court implemented e-File System. Sweet Grass County District Court ID is 49. The e-fi...
Family members, politicians and members of the Montana Supreme Court welcomed newly elected Chief Justice Cory Swanson during a swearing-in ceremony Monday in Helena, marking the beginning of a new leadership chapter for the state’s highest court.
The department of commerce shall issue a certificate of approval to a manufacturer whose procedure complies in all respects with such federal regulations and subsection (2). The department of commerce shall report to the department of justice all manufacturer’s procedures certified. The department of...
“We knew from the beginning the Gianforte administration was going against the will of Montanans and the court’s orders,” said Shawn Reagor, director of equality and economic justice with the Montana Human Rights Network and a member of the transgender community. After learning the state planne...
Justice Gustafson could clear the air by simply telling Montanans whether or not she took money from the very lawyers that she is ruling on behalf of.
“The misconduct again contributes to the court’s consideration of cumulative error,” the opinion, written by Justice Beth Baker, said. “The prosecutor’s misconduct likewise goes directly to the credibility of the witnesses at trial…The District Court described this trial as ‘a disaster.’ ...
Challengers to Montana’s ban on corporate independent expenditures—recently upheld by the Montana Supreme Court—have asked Justice Anthony Kennedy to put a hold on the state court’s ruling and have urged the full Court to reverse it. The political ad
Supreme Court ruled in favor of Justice Reynolds, a teacher at Zion Parochial School who had been teaching German to a 10-year-old student, claiming it was an invasion of the 14th Amendment. [Pictured: Justices of the Supreme Court (and others) in 1923, Chief Justice Taft is front and ...
Probably as a result of World War I and heightened national sentiments, a Nebraska law was put in place forbidding the teaching of any modern language other than English. The law was challenged and overruled, though, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Justice Reynolds, a teacher...
Wednesday Law Report: Refusal to register child as British citizen was not a breach of human rights 29 November 2000 Regina (on the application of Montana) v Secretary of State for the Home Department) Court of Appeal (Lord Justice Schiemann, Lord Justice ...