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SSGT Rambo served in the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (the legendary Blackhorse Regiment) near the Cambodian border. He was the Section Chief of an M-109 Self Propelled Howitzer. For the bravery he displayed in the firefight on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1969, he was awarded the Silver...
JANUARY 30 TIME FOR A NEW WATCH AUCTION 喜欢的拍卖会 ★★★ 379件 宝贝描述 注:在线翻译仅供参考,如有疑问请联系客服 QUARTZ WATCH - UNTESTED - PRETTY WESTERN BAND with HORSES 竞买须知 1、拍卖行的拍卖活动受拍卖活动行为发生地相关法律、法规约束; 2、拍库仅向您提供拍库平台服务,您了解的拍库平...
William Souder
MYTH: Students ride horses to school every day. Back in the day,many schools in Montana would have hitch posts outside to tie your horse to while you were studying. Those days are pretty much gone now, and students drive or ride the bus like anyone else.Students do sometimes ride horses...