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I'm currently using Pilot G2 gel refills on my 163. Those refills are shorter than the MB ones, and lack the threads near the point. I cut a cylindrical eraser spacer and put it into the bottom of the barrel to supply the additional refill length needed. As for the threads, they are...
美国亚马逊 Mont Blanc Fineliner / Felt Tip Black Refill - Set of 2历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Mont Blanc Fineliner / Felt Tip Black Refill - Set of 2
My first WE fountain pen and I am just thrilled that I have made this choice. I am looking at other WE pens and it’s a race against time to grab them while they are still available out there. The Mark Twain is an ornate and yet tastefully done pen, well balanced, great refill sys...
However, my first impression is that pen is not a genuine Mont Blanc. It has a number of design features of the Starwalker 100 year anniversary special edition. However, I am not aware of any that feature the celluloid yellow body that your pen has. ...
...and if you open it and find a non-MB refill, it may be a Chinese fake, like those I found in Chinatown, NYC! Pedro Looking for interesting Sheaffer OS Balance pens RevAaron Member - Gold 2.9k PostedMarch 9, 2009 Robert Hughes said: ...