Read a quick summary of Rod Serling’s short episode The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street at StoryboardThat. Engage students in many free creative activities!
或许就是这种“使公众产生危机感的良知”让其作品经久不衰。 原文名为The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street,感兴趣的读者可自行搜索原文欣赏。此外,本文为笔者独立翻译,并没有借鉴其他优秀译者的译文,如有错误或不得当的翻译,望不吝赐教。 再次感谢您的阅读...
the monsters are due on maple street.mkv读后感 《The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street》是一部令人深思的电视剧,以外星人入侵为背景,揭示了人类社会中对于不同的恐惧和集体恐慌。故事发生在枫树街上,当电力中断时,居民们开始出现奇怪的现象和行为,他们开始相互猜疑和指责。这个故事通过展示居民之间的互相怀疑...
读音:美英 the monsters are due on maple street基本解释 妖怪要来枫树街了 分词解释 monsters怪物( monster的名词复数 ) are(用于第二人称单复数现在时,第一、三人称复数现在时)是n. 公亩(等于100平方米) due预定 maple[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 梅普尔地貌名称,来源于中世纪英语、古英语,含义是“槭树”(maple...
The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street (怪物是由于在枫树街).pdf,The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street ROD SERLING CHARACTERS Narrator Tommy Steve Brand Don Martin Myra Brand, Steve’s wife Woman Voice One Voice Two Voice Three Voice Four Voice Five Pete
文档标签: the monsters are due on maple street这些怪物在枫叶街上 系统标签: maple street monsters 枫叶 怪物 steve TheMonstersAreDueonMapleStreetRODSERLINGCHARACTERSNarratorTommySteveBrandDonMartinMyraBrand,Steve swifeWomanVoiceOneVoiceTwoVoiceThreeVoiceFourVoiceFivePeteVanHornCharlieSally,Tommy smotherManOne...
内容提示: The Monsters Are Due on Maple StreetThe Monsters Are Due on Maple StreetBy Rod Serling(creator of “The Twilight Zone”) 文档格式:...
8 布兰德太太:太近了! (人们站在门廊前,一边观察一边低声交谈着。我们看到一个男人正在前门廊上拧灯泡,然后从凳子上下来去打开开关,但灯没有亮。另一个男人正在摆弄电动割草机。他把插头插入插座,反复按着开关,但割草机没有任何反应。透过前门廊的一扇窗户,人们可以看到一位妇女正在打电话。) 9 女人:接线员,接线...