This is the main article for Monsters. For the category, see Category:Monsters. This article is about the Monsters of My Singing Monsters. For the Monsters of My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, see Monsters (Dawn of Fire). Monsters are the main inhabitan
This is the main article for Seasonal Monsters. For the category, see Category:Seasonal Monsters. Seasonal Monsters are a special class of limited-time Monsters in My Singing Monsters that are exclusive to Seasonal Events. Seasonal Monsters are limited-t
My Singing Monsters Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Full Site 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所述,点击下面的“同意”后,您将同意我们使用此类Cookie和技术。
My Singing Monsters Wiki Others Like You Viewed Lowb Islands Epic PongPing Ethereal Monsters Upcoming Features Top Pages this Week Monsters 1 Ghazt 2 Plasma Islet 3 Grumpyre 4 G'joob 5 Version 4.6 Trailer My Singing Monsters Thumpies Trailer ...
My Singing Monsters Wiki 1,914 pages Wiki Article Castle The Castle is a Structure that allows for Monsters to be placed on an Island, and each Castle provides a certain number of beds for Monsters. Aside from the Ethereal Islets, Magical Nexus, Wublin Island, Celestial Island, Tribal Islan...
This sound was used for Rare Deedge’s song in My Singing Monsters: Composer. Deedge's bio says it is "attuned to the beat of the Earth," despite the fact that it doesn't have the Earth element. Although, "attuned" means being aware, so it makes sense. Similarly, Bowgart does ...
Mammott, along with Furcorn and PomPom, serves as a mascot of the My Singing Monsters franchise. Coincidentally, they all have the Cold Element, have fur, and can be found on Earth Island, Shugabush Island, and Party Island. If not counting the Mirror Islands, The Colossingum, and Comp...
Primordial Monsters My Singing Monsters Wiki Dish-Harmonizer Primordial Plant Element Rare Sporerow 2 More Seasonal Junior Event Costumes There will be Craftable Costumes forEggs-TravaganzaandSummerSongwhen their Junior seasons occur next. Images of the currently unreleased Seasonal Costume items exist in...
Since the release of My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, it has received many updates. Dawn of Fire was released for iOS and Android (Google Play and Amazon versions). Usually, the iOS version of Dawn of Fire is prioritized over other versions, which mean
Explore Fan Central Current My Singing Monsters Wiki Others Like You Viewed My Singing Monsters Wiki Poppette Gloptic Tapricorn Gob Top Pages this Week Monsters 1 Plasma Islet 2 Lowb 3 Epic Fung Pray 4 Ghazt 5 AdvertisementMy Singing Monsters Wiki 1,914 pages Explore My Singing Monsters...