The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street: Directed by Ron Winston. With Rod Serling, Claude Akins, Barry Atwater, Jack Weston. On a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disastrous intensity.
本电视剧本的作者罗德·瑟琳(1924.12.5—1975.6.28),是美国著名的编剧家,剧作家,电视出品人,还经常担任萤幕剧的旁白和节目主持人。他最著名的电视戏剧系列节目叫做阴阳魔界(The Twilight Zone)。瑟琳还热衷于政治活动,这种热情不仅仅渗透在他的作品中,也体现在他的日常生活中,甚至对整个电视行业戏剧制作标准的确立都...
Home 25 of 48 The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street (1960) The Twilight Zone (1959) TitlesThe Twilight Zone, The Monsters Are Due on Maple StreetBack to top
《新阴阳魔界》第1季一共10集,参考了老版的10个故事,分别是《怪物将出现在枫树街》(The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street ,1960)、《为人服务》(To Serve Man ,1962)、《时间终于够了》(Time Enough at Last ,1959)、《镜像》(Mirror Image ,1960)、《美好生活》(It's a Good Life ,1961)、《活娃...
6 The Monsters are Due on Maple Street Lesson6 TheMonstersareDueonMapleStreet 1 2 RodSerling oneoftheleadingtelevisionplaywrightstodayintheUnitedStates,bestknownforhissciencefictionTVseries,TheTwilightZone.《黄昏地带》Heco-wrote“PlanetoftheApes”《人猿星球》andmoremoviescriptsandteleplays.SevenDaysinMay《...
The Monsters are Due on Maple Street 1 2 Rod Serling one of the leading television playwrights today in the United States, best known for his science fiction TV series, The Twilight Zone.《黄昏地带》 He co-wrote “Planet of the Apes”《人猿星 球》and more movie scripts and teleplays. Sev...
When was "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" first broadcast? The episode debuted on March 4, 1960, as part of the inaugural season of "The Twilight Zone." Later, this episode was converted into a graphic novel. What is the central theme of "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"?
Twilight zone: the monsters are due on maple street Directed by Ron Winston. With Rod Serling, Claude Akins, Barry Atwater, Jack Weston. On a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disastrous intensity. MSR Kneece 被引量: 0发表: ...
文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: The Monsters are Due on Maple Street 2002 系统标签: monsters maple street phileas apes 福格 12RodSerlingRodSerlingoneoftheleadingtelevisionplaywrightstodayintheUnitedStates,bestknownforhissciencefictionTVseries,TheTwilightZone.《黄昏地带》Heco-wrote“PlanetoftheApes...
5)Elementsoftheplay:stagedirections,actionofdrama,stagespectacle(戏剧场面),dramaticsituation,suspensioninaplay,dramaticconflicts,dramaticstructure,actor’slines(台词).III.Detaileddiscussionofthetext 1.ThemonstersaredueonMapleStreet(title)tobedue:tobeexpectedtohappenorarriveataparticulartime,e.g.Thetrainisduein...