Monsters, Inc. is a 2001 computer-animated film and the fourth feature-length buddy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich and David Silverman, and was written by Jack W. Bunting, Jill
You had a lift? You had a tuck? You had something? Something has been inserted in in you that makes you look... Listen, I need a favor. Randall was working late last night out on the scare floor. I really need the key to the door he was using. ...
each of which contains conceptual and design drawings related to the specific location. We check out “Door Vault” (nine images), “Monstropolis” (50), “Door Station” (9), “Monsters, Inc.” (18), and “Scare Floor” (20). (Isn’tScare Floorslated to be the sequel toPanic Room...
Concept Artbreaks into eight subdomains. We look at “Apartment” (5), “Boo’s Bedroom” (6), “Door Station” (16), “Door Vault” (31), “Environments” (35), “Monsters, Inc.” (40), “Monstropolis” (72) and “Scare Floor” (22). ...
‘…when new doors of opportunity unexpectedly open at rival energy company, ‘FearCo’ co-workers at ‘Monsters Inc’. begin to question the loyalty of ‘Tylor’.“As his ‘Laugh Floor’npartnership with ‘Val’ is pushed to the brink, Tylor must discover where he really belongs…”Click...
Henry J. Waternoose:[from deleted scene]You can't touch a child! They're toxic! If a kid ever got through one of our doors, the results would be catastrophic. Henry J. Waternoose:Well, Jerry, what's the damage so far? Jerry the floor manager:We may actually make our quota today....
Continuity mistake:In the opening scene, on the floor there is a toy train on circular tracks when the monster sneaks in. When the monster trips backwards over the ball and skateboard then falls onto the jacks, the train and tracks are gone.(00:01:49) ...
Hm. In Monsters, Inc., scaring was prestigious work, but the monster world was full of respectable career options off the scare floor: street vendors, sushi chefs and so forth, not to mention the CDA. (That’s Child Detection Agency, if you forgot. 23-19!) Mike’s girlfriend, Celia,...
[04:39.51] I need scarers who are confident, tenacious, tough. [04:42.98] Intimidating. [04:45.62]... I need scarers like... Like James P. Sullivan. [04:48.75] I need scarers like... Like James P. Sullivan. [04:54.59] Hey, good morning, Monstropolis. Its five after 6:00 a...
I think dinner rules my world, because that’s when pizza and pasta enter the scene. Sure, those things also show up sometimes at lunch, but usually as the lesser leftovers. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? My best concert was possibly Radiohead back in 2001 or maybe Mu...