The city of Monstropolis in a world entirely populated by monsters is powered by energy from the screams of human children. At the Monsters, Inc., factory, skilled monsters employed as "scarers" venture into the human world to scare children and harvest their screams, through doors that activ...
Monsters, Inc. is the largest scare factory in the monster world and the top kid Scarer is James “Sully” Sullivan, a huge intimidating monster with blue fur, large purple spots and horns. His Scare Assistant, best friend and roommate is Mike Wazowski, a lime green, opinionated, fiesty, ...
Monsters, Inc. is the largest scare factory in the monster world and the top kid Scarer is James P. Sullivan, a huge intimidating monster with blue fur, large purple spots and horns, known as "Sulley" to his friends. His Scare Assistant, best friend and roommate is Mike Wazowski, a lim...
Next is the big blue man himself,Sully. He’s the scariest monster at the factory with the most scare totals — and his scream, well, it’s massive. Kids may be prohibited from the factory, but when Boo shows up, he is quick to befriend her and make her feel safe. Though he does...
Lovable Sulley and his wisecracking sidekick Mike Wazowski are the top scare team at Monsters, Inc., the scream-processing factory in Monstropolis. When a little girl named Boo wanders into their world, it's the monsters who are scared silly, and it's up to Sulley and Mike to keep her...
Finally, theOrientationarea introduces us to the Monsters, Inc. factory.Welcome to Monsters, Inc.lasts 56 seconds as it shows the entire commercial excerpted during the film.Your First Dayprovides a short “training film”. It lasts three minutes, 36 seconds and compiles movie clips and product...
Monsters, Inc. is a 2001 computer-animated film and the fourth feature-length buddy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich and David Silverman, and was written by Jack W. Bunting, Jill
Brave little Boo (5 " H) is disguised as - what else? - a monster with a hinged lid that opens and closes! Her furry friend Sulley (7 " H) improvised the costume out of two lights, a mop and armchair fabric, all to keep the delightful child's presence in the Scare Factory hidden...
Lovable Sulley and Mike Wazowski are the top scare team at MONSTERS, INC., the scream-processing factory in Monstropolis. When a little girl named Boo wanders into their world, monsters are scared silly, and it's up to Sulley and Mike to get her back home. Movies Anywhere Watch your ...
Their city is powered by a rare source of power - children's screams. That is where Monsters, Incorporated comes in. At Monsters, Inc., monsters like Sulley and Mike open portals into children's rooms - through closet doors - and scare the children, capturing their scream in a little ...