Randall has quite a colorful pattern on his skin already – try mixing together your brightest shades as you color him in. You could give him a fun background too like a rainbow, flowers, or something silly! What are some times when you felt as happy and cheerful as Randall? Think of ...
Continuity mistake:In Sully's bed,Boois afraid of the closet, and there are many drawings in the bed, but when she shows the drawing of Randall, the others are gone. They come back when she goes to sleep. Continuity mistake:When Sulley believesBoois in the trash compactor, a cube of ...
Randall "Randy" Boggsè un rettile che può cambiare colore con otto arti. è di colore viola. Quando Mike lo conosce è un nerd, timido e indossa dei grossi occhiali, ma grazie ai consigli di Mike diventa un bravo spaventatore, e viene ammesso nella ROR, ma questo lo inacidisce fino...