Monsters, Inc. is a 2001 computer-animated film and the fourth feature-length buddy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich and David Silverman, and was written by Jack W. Bunting, Jill
類型:沒有類型資訊。 上映中:沒有上映日資訊。 0.0 Monsters, Inc. is the power utility in Monstropolis, a city inhabited by monsters. The company sends its "scarers," monsters employed to frighten human children, to children's bedrooms around the world through individually-loaded and activated ...
In the grand tradition of theA Bug’s LifeCollector’s Edition and theUltimate Toy Box,Monsters, Inc.receives the deluxe two-DVD treatment. As usual, most of the extras appear on the second disc, but DVD One includes a few components. First we encounter anaudio commentaryfrom director Pete...
Monsters, Inc.appears in an aspect ratio of approximately1.85:1on this Blu-ray Disc. I had high expectations for the image ofMonsters, but nothing here disappointed me, as the disc offered a virtually flawless visual presentation. Sharpness seemed immaculate. At all times, the movie remained te...