These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign. NameCRSpeedSizeTypeAlignment Fey Type Monsters[edit]NameCRSpeedSizeTypeAlignment Actaeon 13 40 ft. (50 ft. in stag form) Large fey lawful good Ancient Stag Centaur...
The Quickling is a type of Fey that were once Brownies but who were transformed by the Queen of Air and Darkness into incredibly fast (hence the name) and malevolent little monsters. If you're walking through the forest and start getting sliced up, you probably have a Quickling infestation ...
During your Dungeons & Dragons campaign, your group of adventurers is going to come across many creatures. No matter where you are in this fantasy world, you will have many combat encounters with any number of monsters of varying toughness. Here is a complete list of monsters you could potent...
as they can be easily whittled down when alone. They make ideal bodyguards or guard ‘dogs’ for anything threatening enough to control them, and in fact the Monster Manual explicitly states they were originally trained hunting beasts from the Feywild. ...
The peryton is a creature created by Jorge Luis Borges that combines the features of a stag and bird. Like the medusa and the gorgon, D&D’s interpretation of the peryton has always diverged from the source material. As presented in 5E D&D, the peryton is a monstrosity with human-level...
Deathlock Wight via Wizards of the Coast Warlocks are a popular magic-based class that derives their magic through a pact with a powerful otherworldly being, such as a fiend or an archfey. But what happens if a Warlock doesn't want to follow through on their end of the deal with their...
The fairy race was released in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. I've never read it, but there's a preview here:"Fairies have a long, storied history in the Feywild. Appearing as diminutive elves with...
Well, I love the sourcebooks and used to run some GURPS back in my college days. It just seemed a bit heavy for my gaming tastes. Now, I really like the GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy boxed set. The rules focus on what I focus on - fantasy gaming - and without the need to cover every ...