Creatures from sources other than a Pathfinder Bestiary include a superscript abbreviation indication its source. Clicking the abbreviation takes you to a page explaining each abbreviation.Terrain (Standard) Any (Cold | Temperate | Warm) Aquatic (Any | Cold | Temperate) Coastline Desert (Cold | ...
pathfindermonsterrpg-gamecreaturesmonsterspathfinder-rpgrandom-encountersunique-creaturesmixed-groupsdouble-sliders UpdatedJun 23, 2022 JavaScript A Godot Engine project which involves monsters moving around, bumping into each other, and excusing themsevles. ...
or you’re going for a story moment where the PCs are surrounded, then spread them out, perhaps into small groups so only 2 or 3 creatures can be blasted at once. In this case I would also try and make the terrain advantages to the monsters so that the PCs feel like this is more ...