In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
The Monster Hunter World Iceborne Expansion introduces 31 new monsters (27 large monsters, 4 small monsters). This list includes all the new monsters with a link to each individual monster overview (that contains a picture, elemental weaknesses, item drops, and habitats where to find them). Out...
No self-respecting monster hunter heads out into the world without their Palico companion close at hand. Small but mighty, these sentient, cat-like creatures are a signature of the Monster Hunter series, aiding you with every part of your hunt, from scavenging and tracking, to the final show...
Here, we look at the large monsters that have been confirmed so far in Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne. Velkhana Type: Elder Dragon Elemental Damage: Ice The new antagonist for the Iceborne expansion - get ready for Velkhana! A cross between Rathalos and Legiana, this dangerous...
Ratings MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD™: Sticker Set: Monsters of the New World Global player ratings 4.84Average rating 4.84 stars out of five stars from 32 ratings 32 ratings 0% 3% Adds new stickers to Monster Hunter: World.
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The irresistible Monster Hunter loop remains, with each successul hunt yielding the materials required to craft and upgrade your weapons and armour, allowing you to hunt tougher monsters and gather more precious resources. All versions of Monster Hunter Rise grant immediate access to a wealth of fr...
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 怪物 原初形态爵银龙 NEW 人鱼龙 伞鸟 冥渊龙 冰人鱼龙 冰呪龙 冰牙龙 冰狼龙 刚缠兽 千刃龙 嗟怨震天怨虎龙 土砂龙 大名盾蟹 天廻龙 天狗兽 奇怪龙 妃蜘蛛 将军镰蟹 岚龙 岩龙 怨虎龙 怪异克服天廻龙 怪异克服天彗龙 怪异克服炎王龙 ...
Worlds Beyond Our Senses (3:01) White Sand (2:55) Diablos (1:54) Nerscylla (2:02) Monsters in Hiding (5:47) The Shipyard in the Desert (3:32) Sandstorm Trek (2:29) Finding the Oasis (2:40) The Stampede (1:23) A Hard Climb Ahead of Us (1:57) ...