Widescreen resolution Multi-monitor Ultra-widescreenSupport added in the 5.1 Title Update. Only the aspect ratio 21:9 is supported while some cutscenes are not.Fix for 32:9 available. 4K Ultra HD Field of view (FOV)Camera distance can be changed, with three available presets: Close / Default...
Widescreen resolutionThe aspect ratio becomesanamorphicwhen "Display Mode" is set to "Borderless Window" and the resolution is changed to one with a different aspect ratio than the display.[2] Multi-monitor[3] Ultra-widescreenSupports up to21:9only, withHor+gameplay/cutscenes. Common ultrawide re...
Although I heard one reviewer on YouTube describe it as such, Monster Hunter: World is definitely not a “Hack-n-Slash” game. You are not going to be able to just rush after monsters swords-a-blazing and mash buttons until you’re victorious. No, its going to take a lot more planni...