Monster Hunter: World 武器* | * * +% -% | | * | Final Upgrades 狩獵笛 Weapon List Damage Data 武器攻擊力武器性能鑲嵌槽 金屬風笛Ⅰ RARE1 33680 ● ● ● 金屬風笛Ⅱ RARE1 37890 ● ● ● 金屬風笛Ⅲ RARE2 420100 ● ● ● 巨型風笛Ⅰ RARE3 462110 ● ● ● 巨型風笛Ⅱ RARE...
Monster Hunter: World 武器* | * * +% -% | | * | Final Upgrades 斬擊斧 Weapon List Damage Data 武器攻擊力武器性能鑲嵌槽 鐵製試作劍斧Ⅰ RARE1 28080 強擊瓶 鐵製試做劍斧Ⅱ RARE1 31590 強擊瓶 鐵製試做劍斧Ⅲ RARE2 350100 強擊瓶 鋼鐵製改良劍斧Ⅰ RARE3 385110 毒瓶30 ...
Hunter weapons can be classified as either close-range weapons or ranged weapons, and which type you equip determines your defensive characteristics as a "blademaster" or "gunner."Blademaster Weapons The weapon type bonus for equipping a blademaster weapon reduces the physical damage you receive. ...
This is a list of all 14 weapon types available in Monster Hunter World. Each weapon type has their upsides, downsides, and different strategies. All of them have 18+ final form weapons that they can be upgraded to. Weapon Trees Want to know what the final form of that Ore weapon wil...
Close-range weapons let you get up close and personal with monsters and utilize a wide variety of attacks and techniques.Attacking repeatedly with a close-range weapon will diminish its sharpness. As a weapon loses its sharpness, its attacks will be deflected much more often. You can restore ...
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is the massive expansion DLC for Monster Hunter: World. The expansion was released as paid DLC, as well as a physical edition that includes the base game similar to past expansions. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is the hig
Beast Hunter World - Attire - Monsters - Weapons Armour and Clothing Uploaded: 31 Oct 2023 Last Update: 18 Nov 2024 Author: halfevil13 Uploader: halfevil13 Monster Hunter x Bloodborne Attire, Monsters, and Weapons 214.7MB 97 16.3k 2 Beast Hunter World - Attire - Monsters - Weap...
Full list of all 98 Monster Hunter: World achievements worth 2,000 gamerscore. It takes around 300-500 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.
Awarded for forging many valuable weapons and armor. Made from premium materials. Master’s Black Belt Awarded for obtaining many Switch Skills, a feat of both mental and bodily discipline. Chef’s Trusty Tools Awarded for helping Yomogi. You can almost hear the Tea Dealers’ chanting when look...
Vaal Hazak materials can be used to craft the following armor in Monster Hunter: World: Vaal Hazak α Armor and Vaal Hazak β Armor. Vaal Hazak α Armor MHW-VaalHazakeBArmorSet.png Vaal Hazak β ArmorThe following is a list of Vaal Hazak weapons in Monster Hunter: World: ...