Weapon augmentations can be overwrite; however, materials used for previous augmentation will not be returned. Weapons of different rarity requires different materials to add augmentations: RarityAugmentation SlotMaterials required per Augmentation
Augment Atk & Def - your weapon need atk & def augmentation or you can just activate Full Augment Effect script for this script to work. Stamina Thief - give you stamina thief skill effect & enhanced that effect. Part Breaker - give you part breaker skill effect & enhanced that effect. ...
Monster Hunter: WorldWeapons* | * * +% -% | | * | Final Upgrades Great Sword Weapon List Damage Data WeaponAttackWeapon AbilitySlots Buster Sword I Rarity 1 38480 Buster Sword II Rarity 1 43290 Buster Sword III Rarity 2 480100 Buster Blade I Rarity 3 576120 Buster Blade II ...
Sunbreak is the big expansion for Monter Huner Rise, which expands the game with new monsters, Master Rank, new weapons, armor and more. It also introduces a new type of endgame grind with afflicted monsters, which are very tanky monsters. Unlike Monster Hunter World Iceborne expansion, Sunb...
The amazing thing about Monster Hunter is how much time you can spend playing and enjoying the game with a weapon, before trying out another one that plays dramatically differently. In my 75 hours I've pretty much only used three weapon types: the charge blade, the dual blades, and the ...
s home to bone-chilling monsters such as Barioth and Viper Tobi-Kadachi. As an added incentive, special materials exclusive to the Tundra Region can be used to increase the maximum level for weapon augmentation. On top of Stygian Zinogre and the Tundra Region, a tempered Elder Dr...
s home to bone-chilling monsters such as Barioth and Viper Tobi-Kadachi. As an added incentive, special materials exclusive to the Tundra Region can be used to increase the maximum level for weapon augmentation. On top of Stygian Zinogre and the Tundra Region, a tempered Elder Dragon is als...
Added an augmentation feature that lets you customize the look of your weapon. Added an option to the Steamworks that lets you change the Steamworks' output. Applied a change to the Steamworks that lets you activate the auto mode after sending the Steamworks into Overdrive. ...
Monster Hunter: World: Hello, hunters! Much has changed in the last week for Monster Hunter: World (MHW). The Arch Tempered Kushala Daora appeared in MHW on PS, and the Deviljho was added to PC, so I assume that most of you
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.