In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
is introducing a new update that will permanently unlock almost all event quests that have come and gone over the years.Worldis the most recentMonster Huntertitle that is currently available, and since its release in 2017, it's made waves, reaching new heights of success for the franchise. T...
The first update after purchasing Monster Hunter: World requires approximately 7.1 GB of free space. Player-related Bug Fixes Sword & Shield Fixed a bug where, if the player fired their slinger with the weapon drawn and tried to fire one more time during the second half of the animation, th...
I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with DeityVengy, a YouTuber-turned-modder who has been working on the absolutely massive Star Wars Genesis: A total conversion modlist for Starfield that transforms the Bethesda title into the ultimate Star Wars open-world RPG. So grab some blue milk, ...
Capcom announced the free Title Update 4 for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will release on Thursday, February 7.Title Update 4 [...]
购买Monster Hunter: World 特价促销!12 月 4 日 截止 -67% ¥ 148.00 ¥ 48.84 添加至购物车 购买Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe 包含2 件物品:Monster Hunter World: Iceborne,Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Deluxe Kit, Iceborne Digital Deluxe ...
The Monster Hunter World: Iceborne journey begins with an all-new story that picks up right after the main Monster Hunter: World game. Players fly off to explore the newly discovered Hoarfrost Reach, a snow-covered locale that progressively expands with the story which revolves around the mysteri...
I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with DeityVengy, a YouTuber-turned-modder who has been working on the absolutely massive Star Wars Genesis: A total conversion modlist for Starfield that transforms the Bethesda title into the ultimate Star Wars open-world RPG. So grab some blue milk, ...
Players can visit the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne website for more details on the latest title update including info on player feedback driven adjustments that have been made, new updates for Your Room and upcoming seasonal fests in the game. The game that just keeps getting b...