「Monster Hunter: World」中, 玩家可以體驗終極的狩獵生活, 活用新建構的世界中各種各樣的地形與生態環境享受狩獵的驚喜與興奮。
Statistics Marketing Show details Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] 各種武器種類 共有14種武器可供選擇使用,每款均有它各自的特色與用途。 選用多款武器,還是把一款武器用至極致,則取決於獵人的喜好。
防具 稀有度1稀有度2稀有度3稀有度4 稀有度5稀有度6稀有度7稀有度8 稀有度9稀有度11稀有度12稀有度10 怪物 冥灯龙 冥赤龙 冰呪龙 冰牙龙 冰鱼龙 凶爪龙 古代鹿首精 土砂龙 大痹贼龙 大贼龙 天地煌啼龙 尸套龙 岩贼龙 恐暴龙 惨爪龙 惶怒恐暴龙 ...
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
Nergigante is a large Monster & Elder Dragon that you can slay in Monster Hunter World. Characteristics:A terrible elder dragon that appears when other elders are in the vicinity. Its penchant for destruction is well-documented. You will have to fight this monster to unlock 8-star assignments....
Rathalos is a large Monster that you can slay or capture in Monster Hunter World. Characteristics:The apex monster of the Ancient Forest, also known as the “King of the Skies.” A terrible wyvern that descends upon invaders, attacking with poison claws and fiery breath. ...
Here, we look at the large monsters that have been confirmed so far in Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne. Velkhana Type: Elder Dragon Elemental Damage: Ice The new antagonist for the Iceborne expansion - get ready for Velkhana! A cross between Rathalos and Legiana, this dangerous...
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
在《MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD》中,玩家可以体验终极的狩猎生活,活用全新建构的世界中各种各样的地形与生态环境,享受狩猎的惊喜与兴奋。
怪物猎人:世界 Mod [Monster Hunter:World] 《怪物猎人:世界(Monster Hunter:World)》是一款由卡普空制作并在PlayStation 4、Xbox One和Windows平台上发行的动作角色扮演游戏,是该系列继2009年发售的《怪物猎人3》之后再次为家用主机平台制作的新作,也是系列首次在Windows上发售的本传作品。