Kushala α skills Ice Attack4Increases ice element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.) Handicraft5Extends the weapon sharpness gauge. However, it will not increase the gauge past its maximum. Kushala Daora Flight5Unavailable ...
Break Kushala Daora's head Daora Horn+ 66% Daora Dragon Scale+ x2 32% Daora Gem 2% Break Kushala Daora's forelimbs Daora Claw+ 80% Daora Carapace x2 20% Break Kushala Daora's wings Daora Webbing 70% Daora Claw+ x2 30% Hunt Kushala Daora Daora Carapace 27% Daora Dragon Scale+ ...
Kushala Daora is a large Monster (Elder Dragon type) that you can slay in Monster Hunter World. Characteristics:An elder dragon that shields itself with fierce winds, preventing anyone from approaching it. Its skin consists of hard, metallic scales. Useful Information:When confronted by enemies, ...
由于歴戦王怪限时,本来属于MHW“退休”状态的我不得不回来刷一些票。打的一般,不过怪AI比较老实没怎么乱飞,进了5分针,就先这样吧。---套装:爛輝龍雷弓 苍火竜头β火竜胸βBehemoth手α爛輝龍腰β麒麟腿β体术护石III-
在线看Monster Hunter: World - Kushala Daora Boss.. 16分钟 16秒。30 1月 2024的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册!
Hey everyone here’s my problem with this stupid dragon, so after 2 years I’m finally nearly finished on getting platinum on monster hunter world. My two last trophies to get are unsurprisingly the mini and large gold crown trophies. I’m nearly finishe
- The Shadow Upon the Tempest - Kushala Daora (World version) - 5:44 - Tadayoshi Makino - The Shadow Upon the Tempest - Kushala Daora: The Chase - 1:51 - Tadayoshi Makino - Ruler of the Flame - Teostra (World version) - 4:03 - Tadayoshi Makino ...
Velkhana is an Elder Dragon first introduced in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Velkhana is a traditional dragon with the slim, upright body structure of Elder Dragons like Kushala Daora. Its scales and shell are a unique crystalline blue. Its head has a tiara-like crown of small horns. It....
Monster Hunter: World - ролеваяигравжанреэкшнипятаячастьосновнойсерии Monster Hunter, разработаннойиизданной Capcom. ИгрокберетнасебярольОхотник
Take it down to forge the Kushalaγ armor set and Guild Cross layered armor! Locale : Elder's Recess Requirements : HR 50 or higher Success Conditions : Slay Kushala Daora 9★ The Heralds of Destruction Cry Face off against the monstrous arch-tempered Nergigante! Take it down to obtain...