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Database 防具 稀有度1稀有度2稀有度3稀有度4 稀有度5稀有度6稀有度7稀有度8 稀有度9稀有度11稀有度12稀有度10 怪物 冥灯龙 冥赤龙 冰呪龙 冰牙龙 冰鱼龙 凶爪龙 古代鹿首精 土砂龙 大痹贼龙 大贼龙 天地煌啼龙 尸套龙 岩贼龙 恐暴龙 惨爪龙 ...
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Глобальныеоценкиигроков 4.60Средняяоценка: 4.6 изпятизвезднаосновании 4269 оценок оценки: 4269 83% 5% 5% 0% 6%
Echa un vistazo al manual web oficial de Monster Hunter: World para más información acerca de diversas funciones del juego y cómo jugar.
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is an expansion pack that introduces new monsters, improved gameplay mechanics and a new story set in Hoarfrost Reach, an arctic-themed region. Similar to the base game, Iceborne the player takes the role of a Hunter, slaying or trapping large monsters solo or ...
可接近敵人,使用變化多端的技巧進行攻擊。 雖然可持續進行攻擊,但不斷攻擊會消耗「銳利度計量表」,威力下降,攻擊也容易被防禦。 銳利度計量表可使用「砥石」回復。 各種武器種類的詳細操作方式可從 開始選單 > 資訊 > 獵人筆記 > 武器操作指南進行確認。 大劍...
While Iceborne players will be able to enjoy some of the gameplay options such as the Slinger and weapon updates right away, they must have completed the main story through Hunter Rank 16 in order to access the new Iceborne. Because this game is almost the size of the original, adds a ne...