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As you continue your investigations, you'll uncover more parts of the map, eventually culminating in the largest locale in Monster Hunter: World! Popo are herbivores with a thick coat to protect against the cold.Generally docile creatures that will run off in a herd if attacked. However, ...
If you're a new hunter, don't be afraid to ask for help from more experienced hunters, since they'll get a benefit from the quests, too! Low Level Hunter Helper Rewards: get Silver Wyverian Prints and other items for helping other players!OFFICIAL...
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名稱:Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital Deluxe 類型:動作 開發人員:CAPCOM Co., Ltd. 發行商:CAPCOM Co., Ltd. 系列作:Monster Hunter 語言:英文, 法文, 義大利文, 德文, 西班牙文 - 西班牙, 阿拉伯文, 葡萄牙文 - 巴西, 波蘭文, 繁體中文, 日文, 韓文, 俄文, 簡體中文, 西班牙文 - 拉丁美洲 ...
Extension de taille, Iceborne se déroule après la fin de Monster Hunter: World et introduit un nouveau rang de Maître ! De nouveaux monstres, quêtes, armes, armures et scénarios vous attendent ! Vous allez pouvoir vous surpasser !
安装步骤 1.解压缩 2.复制nativePC文件夹到/Steam/steamapps/common/Monster Hunter World/目录下,如果没有创建一个nativePC文件夹 3.开始游戏 需要先安装NativePC优先加载程序:https://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/134479.html