There are loads of big beasties to hunt in Monster Hunter World Iceborne and all of them can be harvested for ingredients to make the brand new Master Rank weapons. With so many introduced, it can be daunting to know which ones to make and what ingredients you need to create your new t...
Slots Commission Gorget β 70 ~ 90+2+2+2+2+2 Commission Jacket β 70 ~ 90+2+2+2+2+2 Commission Vambraces β 70 ~ 90+2+2+2+2+2 Commission Belt β 70 ~ 90+2+2+2+2+2 Commission Pants β 70 ~ 90+2+2+2+2+2 Total350 ~ 450+10+10+10+10+10...
是展现出伟大的勇气时,可获得的票券。收集后将会有好事发生!? 稀有度7 稀有度 ×99 最大 1金 购买 Where to find 勇气之证·大 ★8 觉醒于墓标之底 任务报酬 ×1 100% ★8 烈日 任务报酬 ×1 100% ★9 在冥河中揭起灯火 任务报酬 ×1 100% ★8 业火之瑕因缘不浅 任务报酬 ×1 100% ★8 ...
High Rank Armor is going to be the real bread and butter of the mid-game for Monster Hunter World, and as you work your way up through the story towards Iceborne, you’re going to have a few different options to work with. High Rank Armor is broken down into three types, Alpha (α...
High Commendation100% Hard Armor Sphere22% Elder Dragon Bonex216% Elder Dragon Bloodx216% Teostra Powderx216% Dreamcore Ore13% Dragonbone Relic12% Teostra Gem2% Lunastra Gem2% High Commendation1% Supplies First-aid Medx4 First-aid Medx4 ...
Master Gatherer 1 Allows you to gather more quickly, and also prevents attacks from knocking you back while gathering. Commission Guidance 5 Unavailable Wide-Range 2 Allows the effects of certain items to also affect nearby allies. Cliffhanger 1 Decreases stamina depletion when evading while clinging...
on the other hand, will get their first taste of Hoarfrost Reach, the new snowy landmass that serves as the setting forIceborne’sstoryline. Hoarfrost Reach is the largest locale inMonster Hunter World. For this beta, you’ll get to hunt four of the announced large monsters, either solo ...
Quest Rewards High Commendation 100% Elder Dragon Bone 24% Elder Dragon Blood 18% Mysterious Feystone 18% Advanced Armor Sphere x2 16% Dragonvein Crystal x2 15% Dreamcore Ore 8% High Commendation 1%Supplies Cool Drink x2 Cool Drink x2 Cool Drink x2 Cool Drink x2 First-aid Med x4 ...
Hunter's Knife IRarity 1Rollback Upgrades Hunter's Knife IIRarity 1Rollback Upgrades Hunter's Knife IIIRarity 2Rollback Upgrades Steel Knife IRarity 3Rollback Upgrades Heavy BangRarity 4Rollback Upgrades Heavy Bang+Rarity 6Rollback Upgrades ...
Silver Knight N/A Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Deluxe Kit N/A Thermae Thermae Ticket x2Prized Pelt x5Purecrystal x1 "Treasure in the Steam" 5000 pts Dragonking Eyepatch Conqueror's Seal x1Deviljho Blackpiel x1Black Blood x1 1000 pts Strategist Spectacles Purecrystal x1Spiritvein Crystal ...