武器 防具 技能 裝飾品 隨從裝備 旋律效果 獵蟲資訊 餐點技能 使用食材 調合清單 隨從探險隊 神秘鍊金 補給物資所 特殊裝備 交貨委託 獎金 飾物 變更設計 獵人parts RARE1 鑲嵌槽 獵人頭盔 6 ~ 72+2+2 獵人鎧甲 6 ~ 72+2+2 獵人腕甲 6 ~ 72+2+2 ...
https://github.com/Ezekial711/MonsterHunterWorldModding/wiki/Armor-IDsThe only armor-related files you don't have to touch are those in wp/slg/ because the arm .evam file will always point to that regardless.Q: Can I change the weapons being replaced?A: Yes! Again, change all files to...
"Set bonus skills" are special skills that can only be activated by equipping enough pieces of the armor set that carries it. If, for example, a set bonus skill needs four pieces of equipment, it won't activate if you only have three pieces equipped. Though the requirements are somewhat ...
Monster Hunter: World 防具RARE12 RARE11 RARE10 RARE9 RARE8 RARE7 RARE6 RARE5 RARE4 RARE3 RARE2 RARE1 整套防具 護石 皮製α RARE5 鑲嵌槽 飢餓耐性 2 火耐性 1 回復速度 1 耐力急速回復 1 攀岩者 1 皮製頭飾α 32 ~ 70 +2 皮製服飾α 32 ~ 70 +2 皮製手套α 32 ~ 70 +2 皮...
"Set bonus skills" are special skills that can only be activated by equipping enough pieces of the armor set that carries it. If, for example, a set bonus skill needs four pieces of equipment, it won't activate if you only have three pieces equipped. Though the requirements are somewhat ...
Makes Velkhana armor set more revealing. I tried to give it some Kulve Taroth vibe. Changes Velkhana alpha set. This mod has jiggle physics and tons of options for choice.
Here's some of the best armor, gear, and equipment for male characters that you'll get your hands on further along in your adventure in Monster Hunter World for PS4 and Xbox One.
Hello everyone! I am Ryozo Tsujimoto, producer on Monster Hunter: World. At the launch of Monster Hunter: World, we released a free collaboration event quest where hunters were able to make their Palico companions look like a machine from Horizon Zero Dawn. Starting February ...
DescriptionDon this gorgeous Kirin armor and canter through the wilderness living out your wildest equine fantasies. Collapse v•d•e Armor inMonster Hunter: World&Iceborne Low Rank Low Rank Armor High Rank High Rank Armor Master Rank
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Master Edition is a set containing both the main game and the massive Iceborne expansion. New quests, monsters, weapons, armor, story, and the unlocking of an all-new master rank await to take your hunting to the next leve