In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
活動任務行程表 選擇Rank Master Rank 初階/進階 ※ 必須擁有 Monster Hunter World: Iceborne 才可以遊玩 Master Rank 的活動任務。
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
《Monster Hunter: World》的世界透過超大型擴充內容《Monster Hunter World: Iceborne》而進一步擴展。 追加新任務等級「Master Rank」,強大的魔物等待獵人來挑戰,全新狩獵世界就此開幕。 New Element 新要素 Story 故事 調查團的全新故事 承接《Monster Hunter: World》的結局,展開新的故事。
※ 必須擁有 Monster Hunter World: Iceborne 才可以遊玩 Master Rank 的活動任務。 緊急任務【冥燈龍的成年體】 等級概要任務詳細 M★6 赤色的龍 與集會區域的成員一起協力完成緊急任務吧! ※可通過進行特別活動來參加。 地區 : 幽境之谷 承接・參加條件 : MR 24 以上 完成條件 : 討伐冥燈龍的成年體 活...
I believe this week is a "no festival" week if you are using the "Forever Festival - 1 Week Each" file.Try it with one of the "Forever Festival - All Year - ..." versions.Check the mod description for a rough indication of the schedule. I believe we are week 36 of the year, ...
重口来此! 地址: 分享118赞 怪物猎人世界吧 halfjake steam新闻出了2019事件表Monster Hunter: World event schedule for 2019 The Eye of the StormMonster: Arch Tempered Kushala Daora | PC date: February 22 - 28 The Arch Tempered version of Kushala Daora is around for...
Check out the IGN's Festival of Fear schedule for the full rundown on everything that's going on in the countdown to Halloween! With a hundred years of cinema to explore, we've attempted to spread the wealth, from black and white classics to new on-screen terrors, trying not to ...
Download Monster Hunter Now on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. The thrill of the hunt is calling.
新的生命之地。狩猎, 就是本能! 「Monster Hunter: World」中,玩家可以体验终极的狩猎生活,活用新建构的世界中各种各样的地形与生态环境享受狩猎的惊喜与兴奋。