[!NOTE] Please refer to the MHWI Damage Formula and MHWI General Data Sheet by MoonBunnie & Deathcream for up to date information.
Lv 4Greatly increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits. Gold Rathian Essence Lv 2Raises the maximum level of the Divine Blessing skill. Lv 4Greatly increases status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits. ...
Here, we look at the large monsters that have been confirmed so far in Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne. Velkhana Type: Elder Dragon Elemental Damage: Ice The new antagonist for the Iceborne expansion - get ready for Velkhana! A cross between Rathalos and Legiana, this dangerous...
Physical damage dealt by the Kinsect. Dust Effect Dust left by Kinsects when they auto attack Element Elemental attribute of the Kinsect Power Attack power of the Kinsect Speed Flying speed of the Kinsect Heal Bonus Weapon bonus from equipping the Kinsect Kinsect and Extracts Kinsects ...
Stamina: The amount of stamina the Hunter has Attack: Attack power of the weapon Element: [[Elemental|damage#elemental]]/[[Status attribute|damage#status-attack]] of the weapon (if any) Defense: Defense value of the Hunter Elemental Resistance: Elemental resistance of the hunter ...
All Elemental Resistance全属性耐性強化 3 Increases all elemental resistances +20%. Ancient Divinity 太古の神秘 Critical Status会心撃【特殊】 2 Increases abnormal status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits. Great Sword, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Heavy Bowgun...
You can start building up poison on a monsterright afteryou’ve poisoned them. You don’t have to wait for it to wear off. However, like most status effects, the amount of poison damage you need to trigger the effect increases every time you trigger it. ...
Because of how many attacks you can get in during a short period of time, the Long Sword benefits greatly from increases in your elemental damage output. Skills you’d like to aim for are Handicraft, Attack Up, Weakness Exploit, and Agitator. These three skills are applicable to most ...
Versatile heavy axe that can be changed to a somewhat faster swinging sword with an elemental phial for a short time. Can grip onto a monster and unload elemental damage while in sword mode. Switch Axe Tutorial Switch Axe Tree advertisement Charge Blade Similar to the Switch Axe in that it...
Phial explosions deal [[Fixed-type damage|damage##fixed-damage]] and apply Exhaust Status damage or Stun/KO damage. Phial explosions caused by Element Phials deal Elemental damage corresponding to the Element attribute on the CB.Moves using Impact PhialPowerStun ValueExhaust Value Elemental ...