Monster Hunter World The apex monster of the Wildspire Waste. A menacing, territorial beast that lurks underground. Loud noises will cause it to lunge out from the sand in search of prey. Monster Hunter Rise Known as the "Tyrant of the Desert", the Diablos is extremely territorial and ...
Yian Kut-Ku is a Bird Wyvern first introduced in Monster Hunter. The Yian Kut-Ku is characterized by its large, fan-like ear frills that unfurl when excited and enlarged lower bill. They have a large, yellow beak with a pink stripe running central down t
5 几年前 Suju plays Credits to piplao For those who want to play multiplayer, here's a How to : Download steamwork fix : here : or here: Password: ...
Shoots up in the sky like a comet, comes crashing down on any unsuspecting hunter, can flip his wings into different stances... and its orchestral theme is one of the very best the series has ever experienced. We need this back in World!
】怪物虐人之Monster Hunter World新的风暴MHW又已经出现,怎么能少了我来水一贴。 当然实机视频大家已经看过了,那莫,我们就换个姿势水一下。一定会水的与众不同独树一帜! 分享5612 mythroid吧 homeyue123456 【歌词】MYTH&ROID-Paradisus-Paradoxum歌词原创中文翻译+日文官方日文版、中文版分别在二三楼,LRC歌词...
Prior to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Tigrex would assume a bipedal gait while idle, standing only upon its hind legs while holding its forelimbs to its sides. When threatened or engaging prey, however, it would stand up on all fours and ready itself for combat. As of Iceborne, Tigrex...
Monster Hunter World The apex monster of the Ancient Forest, also known as the "King of the Skies." A terrible wyvern that descends upon invaders, attacking with poison claws and fiery breath. Monster Hunter Rise Terrible wyverns called "Kings of the Skies." Along with Rathian, they stak...
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Wyverns that rule the eternally frozen Tundra. Barioth use their huge tusks and spiked scales to move freely atop the slippery ice; this ability makes them very difficult to keep up with. Threat Level (危険度):★★★ Monster Hunter World: Iceborne The sn...
Light which envelops the world is not always a light which brightens the world. The Shagaru Magala that has been sighted at the Sanctuary is a calamitous presence indeed. Take up arms, Hunter, and douse its terrible light! - Wilderness Fortune-teller Legitimate...
Kirin is an Elder Dragon introduced in Monster Hunter. Kirin resembles a unicorn, though a closer look reveals that it has a lion-like face and is covered in scales, rather than a coat. The Kirin had a mane of fur as well as a bushy tail tip. Tufts of fu