CHARACTERS CHARACTERS 登场人物 可靠的搭档与调查队的伙伴等等, 为猎人狩猎生活提供帮助的多位角色于本作登场。 SCROLL 本作的舞台是“封禁之地”。 根据纳塔的描述,公会组建了由“猎人、编辑者、武器防具加工商、随从艾露猫”这3人1猫组成的几个小队,踏上这片未知的土地。
Gallery of official artwork and character designs from Monster Hunter Wilds, featuring art for the game's characters and monsters.
Monster Hunter Wilds characters Never hunt alone You won’t be alone when exploring the Forbidden Lands. Meet the characters who will join your Hunter, providing them with valuable support as the story—and world—unfolds. Hunter The protagonist and the customisable character you play as. A ...
(The Monster Hunter-maker did something similar for Dragon’s Dogma 2.) Open beta players will also get a chance to familiarize themselves with Monster Hunter Wilds’ mechanics, as they’ll take part in a Doshaguma hunt and have the chance to try out cooperative multiplayer by using an SOS...
【新作-怪物猎人:荒..官网链接:分解这个字体跟世界真的是一模一样,logo有6条龙 暗示这是第六代,而且logo有蛇龙种印象,加上之前怪猎20周年投票,这代怪物数量可能创历代之最
獲得預約特典吧! 【PlayStation™Store限定 預約特典】 此為給予於PlayStation™Store上預約了《Monster Hunter Wilds》的玩家之特典。 ●Monster Hunter Wilds 數位版迷你插圖集 ※「Monster Hunter Wilds 數位版迷你插圖集」是與遊戲本篇不同的應用程式。 【限定特
《Monster Hunter Wilds》中作為舞台的原野具有兩個面貌:飢餓的肉食魔物聚集並鬥爭的嚴酷環境,以及充滿豐富生命的環境。而原野會時刻都在動態變化。在不斷變化的原野,以及生活在其中的魔物和生物們生存方式的變化,都充滿各種驚喜和發現。 天塹沙原 浩瀚的沙原原野是調查隊踏足封禁之地後首要考察的地方。
TheMonster Hunter Wildsgameplay trailer showcases a huge graphical leap forward fromMonster Hunter World, with significantly more detailed environments, monsters, and characters. The trailer showsMonster Hunter Wildsbeasts that players will have to hunt, including a pack of bear-like monsters and an ...
Monster Hu..Monster Hunter Wilds 是 Monster Hunter 系列的最新作品,目前正在开发中。本作将为您带来崭新且极致的狩猎动作游戏体验。计划于 2025 年发售。看到没人发就顺带发一下