All 14 of theMonster Hunter weaponsget access to multiple different skills as you progress through the game, and they drastically change how each weapon works. With the help of yourMonster Hunter Rise wirebugs, you can make even the heaviest of hammers effective in midair. There are multiple ...
Lv 4 Also increases level of other skills by +1. Lv 5 Also increases level of other skills by +1 (stacks with previous bonus). Blood Rite A proportion of damage dealt is converted to health when striking a broken monster part. Dereliction Qurio will drain health, but also bolster you...
《怪物猎人:崛起(Monster Hunter Rise)》是由卡普空制作,登陆任天堂Switch的一款动作共斗类游戏,3DM将会带来详细的流程攻略,专业的汉化补丁,完善的修改器和超多有游戏MOD等辅助工具。致力于给玩家一个良好的游戏环境,最佳的游戏体验。此武器的攻擊次數勇冠群兵,能夠施展怒濤般的連續攻擊。還能施展鬼人化,以耐力為代價,再度提升行動速度,使出宛如飛舞一般的連擊。超大型擴充內容《MONSTER HUNTER RISE: SUNBREAK》將於6月30日發售,現已接受預購!官方網站
Monster Hunter Rise - Conjunto de adesivos "Adesivos Especiais 14" Inicie uma sessão para classificar Classificações globais dos jogadores 0.0Nenhuma classificação Nenhuma classificação 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Informações do jogo e jurídicas Este conteúdo adicional inclui...
To unlock Switch Skills in Monster Hunter Rise, players need to do the following: Unlocking Slot 1 Switch Skills requires normal progression through the early game. Players will automatically learn these for all weapons in an early mission. ...
【冷门技能强化】Rise Skills Enhanced 数值增幅和持续时间拉长 【所有技能强化】Buffing All Skills 所有技能都起码提升1倍效果 例如触发几率从40%→80%,20攻10暴→40攻20暴 【技能获得既是最高等级】Max Level Decorations TU5 Updated 所有装饰品都为它们所代表的每项技能提供最高等级 ...
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 日本語 简体中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 Русский Español latinoamericano العربية Deutsch Español Français Italiano Polski Português do Brasil Home Database Ver16.0.0 任务
一开始不要太担心中心任务Monster Hunter Rise 回归了该系列将单人游戏和多人游戏进程分开的传统,这最初可能会让新手玩家感到困惑。不过,无需担心,因为 Rise 足够聪明,可以将一个领域的进展延续到另一个领域。这些分为村庄任务和枢纽任务,并从两个不同的供应商处获得。最简单的区别是村庄任务仅限单人游戏,而...
List of Switch Skills in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise), including switch skill name, weapon, and weapon skills relevant page.