蓬勃跃动的狩猎本能! 为狩猎掀起全新风潮、无拘无束尽情跃动的动作;可随心所欲四下驰骋的全新原野;以及能带来未知的兴奋与惊喜的全新怪物。 前所未有的狩猎体验正在《MONSTER HUNTER RISE》中等候各位猎人的到来!
《怪物猎人:荒野》是由CAPCOM制作发行的一款角色扮演类动作游戏。该游戏预计将于2025年正式发行,并将登陆PS5、Xbox Series S|X游戏主机以及PC平台(Steam)。游戏的背景设定中,玩家将扮演一名猎人,被任命加入封禁之地调查队,根据公会的指示去探索这片从未踏足之地。玩家的随从艾露猫将提供支援并与猎人进行交流。...
Rise to the challenge and join the hunt! In Monster Hunter Rise, the latest installment in the award-winning and top-selling Monster Hunter series, you’ll become a hunter, explore brand new maps and use a variety of weapons to take down fearsome monster
Buy Monster Hunter Rise on PlayStation Store. Rise to the challenge and join the hunt in this high-flying addition to the Monster Hunter series.
Buy Monster Hunter Rise and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak 怪物 原初形态爵银龙 NEW 人鱼龙 伞鸟 冥渊龙 冰人鱼龙 冰呪龙 冰牙龙 冰狼龙 刚缠兽 千刃龙 嗟怨震天怨虎龙 土砂龙 大名盾蟹 天廻龙 天狗兽 奇怪龙 妃蜘蛛 将军镰蟹 岚龙 岩龙 怨虎龙 怪异克服天廻龙 怪异克服天彗龙 怪异克服炎王龙 ...
This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game. Rise to the challenge and join the hunt In Monster Hunter Rise, the latest installment in the award-winning and top-selling Monster Hunt
狩獵本能躍動! 為狩獵掀起全新風潮、無拘無束地躍動的動作;可隨心所欲地奔馳的新原野;帶來未知的興奮和驚喜的全新魔物。 在《Monster Hunter Rise》中,前所未見的狩獵體驗正等候著獵人們!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IDZj5wt_M8Here's a closer look at some of the new armor sets in Monster Hunter Rise as well as some new monster gameplay.If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to hit