A new Monster Hunter Rise Charm Editor that has been released online considerably improves one of the game's most annoying mechanics
Unique DLs 295,059 Total DLs 825,564 Total views 2,396,912 Version REF-1.3.1 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 25 April 20239:44PM Original upload 12 January 20226:02PM Created by Fexty Uploaded by Fexty125731 Virus scan Safe to use ...
Want to play Monster Hunter Rise with PC mods? Check out this list of the best Monster Rise mods to improve the game.
MHRise (Monster Hunter Rise) の護石を自動読み取りする web アプリです. 動画を入力として, 護石のスキル・スロットを一覧で出力します. その他, 護石の管理機能 (全護石の一覧表示, 読み取り時のキャプチャ画像の表示, 上位互換護石の表示など) があります. - ks-yuzu/
While Monster Hunter Rise has a lot of tutorials to cover the basics, there are still a lot of things that the game doesn't exactly tell you.
There is a special first-time bonus for scanning the Stories 2 amiibo, namely Razewing Ratha, Ena, and Tsukino. This can only be obtained once per that particular kind of amiibo. By scanning one of the Monster Hunter Rise amiibo, you can get a Rise-themed sticker set. Note:You can sca...
Easily import all of your Monster Hunter Rise charms to your armor set searcher of choice - GitHub - chpoit/utsushis-charm: Easily import all of your Monster Hunter Rise charms to your armor set searcher of choice
Modding tool/framework with a powerful scripting API using Lua. Comes with fixes for DLLs/ReShade crashing, FreeCam, Timescale, FOV, VR, and tools for script/mod developers
List of craftable charms in Monster Hunter World, including the Iceborne expansion. This list includes the charm effects and materials needed.
Applied a change that lets you receive Hunter Helper Rewards from master rank quests. Miscellaneous Added the following charms: Fury Charm V, Power Charm V, Mighty Charm III, Challenger Charm V. You can now collect item rewards on the round just before a Steamworks overdrive. ...