Apex Arzuros Type: Fanged Beast Elemental damage: (Stun) Weakness: Fire / Ice About: An extremely aggressive variant of Arzuros, Apex Arzuros will attack anything on sight, and will use powerful attacks such as ground slam, rock throw, and more claw swipes when enraged. Landing some heavy...
Arzuros is a Fanged Beast introduced in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Arzuros is noted for its turquoise colored fur and ursine body structure. It has a ridge of erect hair aligned with its nose. Its back is made of a tough hide, somewhat characteristic o
Monster Hunter Rise also has special monsters in the game known as Apex Monsters. These alternate versions of existing monsters within the game are even harder than their low-rank and high-rank counterparts, sporting much more aggressive behavior and a host of new attacks. Apex Monsters are...
Notes: *Must complete at least one Apex Arzuros Rampage Quest to unlock. Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 1ウツシ教官の挑戦状・其の一 Main Objective: Hunt all target monsters Location: Flooded Forest (Day) Environment: Quest Target Only Reward: 19080z Time Limit: 50 mins. ...
Purgatory Agnaktor•Frozen Barioth•Thanksalot Barroth•Unit-01 Brachydios•Iceblast Brachydios•Aberrant Deviljho•Gilded Diablos•Steel Armor Diablos•Explosive Peak Duramboros Virulent Gigginox•Yoga Gigginox•Witch Gobul•Tenth Angel Gore Magala•Great Apypos•Landconquest Lagiacrus ...
Qurupeco is a Bird Wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter 3. The Qurupeco resembles a large bird with Pterosaur-like features, such as a fanged beak and leathery wings. It is mainly lime green with some scales being tinted yellow, it also has a clump of iri
You will need to Slay each Apex Monster in a Rampage to unlock their Hub Quest! Slaying not Repelling. Sturdy Padlock Awarded for collecting many decorations and hanging scrolls. Remember to lock up! »Monster Hunter Rise All Decorations & Hanging Scrolls Locations ...
Gathering Hub 8★ The Avaricious Apex Arzuros Area 3 (100%) (1%) (1%) 1 15,960 HP 6.1 3.45 1 1.9/1.9 1.4 1.8 1 MR 3★ A Keen-Eyed Observation Area 1 (100%) (1%) (1%) 1 25,200 HP 8.75 6.6 1 2.1/2.1 1.5 1.9 1 Follower 3★ Enshrined Resentment Area 8 (100%) ...
Gathering Hub 8★ The Avaricious Apex Arzuros Area 9 (50%) Area 4 (50%) (1%) (1%) 1 17,100 HP 6.1 3.45 1 1.9/1.9 1.4 1.8 1 MR 4★ Spooky Citadel!? Area 12 (60%) Area 5 (30%) Area 3 (10%) (1%) (1%) 1 31,960 HP 9.75 7.6 1 2.4/2.4 1.6 2.05 1 MR 5★ Cr...
Apex Diablos Apex Rathalos Apex Arzuros Zinogre Nargacuga Rakna-Kadaki Basarios Volvidon Almudron Diablos Rathian Rajang Goss Harag Lagombi Khezu Great Baggi Barioth Mizutsune Tigrex Rathalos Somnacanth Bishaten Royal Ludroth Great Wroggi Aknosom Great Izuchi ...