モンスターハンターポータブル 2nd /Monster Hunter Freedom Unite PSP (2008-03-27) iOS (2014-05-08) 怪物猎人狩猎志: 狩猎研究院 ——7(铳枪) 掌机王SP: 黄金眼REVIEW ——92(P24) 怪物猎人双重包(2+2G) Monster Hunter Dual Pack PSP (2011-10-17) 注:包含《Monster Hunter Freedom Unite》《...
Read reviews and ratings of Monster Hunter from our experts, and see what our community says, too!
遊戲原名:Monster Hunter2 dos 遊戲類型:ACT 遊戲人數:1人 機種:PlayStation2 廠商:CAPCOM 原日版...
Monster Hunter Review Reviewed on: PS2 In today's world, Monster Hunter is merely a living fossil, reminding us of what online console gaming once looked like. Sep 23, 2004 4:54pm Player Reviews Average Player Score Based on 1793 ratings 8.6 Please Sign In to rate Monster Hunter ...
Pre-Owned Monster Hunter - PS2 Playstation 2 Add $39.99current price $39.99Pre-Owned Monster Hunter - PS2 Playstation 2 Resident Evil 4 - PlayStation 5 Options +2 optionsAvailable in additional 2 options $26.44curre...
Monster Hunter вики Лучшиестраницынаэтойнеделе Monster Hunter Wilds 1 MHWilds: Монстры 2 MHWilds: Оружия 3 MHWI: Монстры 4 MHW: Монстры 5 ПрактическиидентиченверсиидляСША, не...
怪物猎人P3(Monster Hunter Tri Portable)→MHP3(PSP)2.2 怪物猎人G 游戏原名: 怪物猎人G 发售厂商: Capcom 发售日期: 2005年01月20日 游戏年龄: 15岁以上 游戏版本: 日版 游戏平台: PS2 该作是和同伴们一起与生活在大自然中幻想的怪兽对战的动作狩猎游戏。作为2004年3月发售的PS2平台《怪物猎人》的资料片,...
I wont make a comparison among them but bringing the point can help many to understand or have a glimpse of what Monster Hunter is. Being a RPG it doesnt have the inmersion and seriousness from the witcher series storyline neither the wicked ambient and rough gameplay of Dark Souls. It is...
Monster Hunter (PS2) > Opinions (3)PullusPardus posted 21/05/2009, 12:24 too bad i didnt have online when i bought this, still awesome, tho at later levels you do need online or you have to fail countless times.Message | Report ...
Just to point out that the Monster Hunter dev team have a long history of solid and consistent post-launch support - mainly in the form of free DLC as we have seen recently with the console release of MH World. They've been doing this before CDPR and the Witcher 3 were a thing. So...