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The base game Monster Hunter World, sold separately, is required in order to play this content. Let your hunting instinct take you further than ever Iceborne is a massive expansion that picks up after the ending of Monster Hunter World and opens up the
The story of the new Iceborne DLC is simple if a little derivative. Monsters are migrating away from their usual habitats, and our fearless monster hunters follow their migration pattern to discover a new land filled with new monsters to hunt, murder and wear their skins, looking cute while t...
毋庸置疑,DLC 擴展的宣布與他們的正常混合物相當出人意料,但 2018 年也是如此怪物獵人世界. 進入 Monster Hunter World: Iceborne,這是一個全新的擴展包,旨在為新世界添加數量驚人的新功能,以及數量驚人的新內容。 從偏移量來看,很明顯 Capcom 已經將 World 機制的核心帶回了工作台。 輕微的調整和新的添加被巧妙...
Monster Hunter World: Icebornetakes what was great about the base game and provides more of it. There are so many weapons and gear choices that it feels like you are your character. Plus, the battles are epic and the new areas look amazing....
Iceborne isn't a full blown sequel, but it still has touches of the radical that revitalises a game that's still thriving. Like the regions of its game world, Monster Hunter feels alive, bursting at the seams with things to try and, eventually, master. Importantly, it all feels substanti...
The launch of Iceborne on PC has introduced new performance and technical issues into Monster Hunter: World
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne review: It won’t leave you cold MSRP$40.00 Score Details “Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is one of the best games of the year, expansion or not.” Pros Hoarfrost Reach is awesome Clutch Claw mixes up combat ...
Platforms:PC (Microsoft Windows),PlayStation 4,Xbox One Editions:See 3 more editions of this game Expansion Monster Hunter: World Let your hunting instinct take you further than ever! "Iceborne" is a massive expansion that picks up after the ending of Monster Hunter: World and opens up the ...
準備好使用備受期待的Monster Hunter World:Iceborne Master Edition Deluxe Steam PC鍵在備受讚譽的Monster Hunter:World中探索全新的生態系統! 無法啟動地區有中國 特別優惠 贏得五項遊戲獎之一! 訂閱Fanatical 電子報並購買冬季特賣,就有機會贏得五種遊戲獎品之一,其中包括 Steam 套牌。