Monster Hunter Generations is, at its core, a celebratory release. With the franchise now past a decade old and starting to make notable sales progress in the West, this entry combines areas and characters from across those ten years with some new ideas. Nintendo gamers that have been followin...
《怪物猎人 XX NS 版》(Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver.)是 Capcom 发行的动作类游戏,2017 年 8 月 25 日上市为任天堂新主机 NS 独占。本作为怪物猎人 X 的 G 级强化版,画面提升至 Full HD 1080P 高解析度,由怪物猎人 4 制作人辻本良三和怪物猎人 P3 制作人小岛慎太郎创作。 在前作的基础上...
Jagers van alle generaties volgen de roep van de wildernis in Monster Hunter™ Generations, exclusief voor deverschillende Nintendo 3DS-systemen. In deze wervelende actie-RPG kun je je jager aanpassen met krachtige nieuwe eigenschappen en vaardigheden, de beschaving achter je laten en de str...
Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Quest Quest List Weapon Great SwordLong Sword Sword & ShieldDual Blades HammerHunting Horn / Songs LanceGunlance Switch AxeCharge Blade Insect Glaive / KinsectBow Light BowgunHeavy Bowgun ...
One copy of Monster Hunter Generations is required for each player (up to 4 players) Wireless Internet connection You need to set up your system's Internet Settings in order to connect to the Internet. *Please refer to the Nintendo 3DS Operations Manual for information on how to set up the...
This official web manual for the Nintendo 3DS Monster Hunter Generations includes detailed information on game modes and controls that can help you enhance your monster hunting experience.
Monster Bone S 15% Unknown Skull 10% x3〜4 Honey 85% Kut-Ku Scale 10% Insect Husk 5% x3〜5 Machalite Ore 20% Iron Ore 15% Disc Stone 15% Sunspire Jewel 15% Auristone Piece 15% Bloodrun Jewel 10% Lazurite Jewel 10% x4〜6 Bitterbug 25% Godbug 20% Flashbug 20% Thunder...
安全有保障100% 安全,全天候支持 快如闪电即时数字下载 R$BRL 中文 ENG FRA ESP DEU ITA NLD POL PRT 首页 Monster Hunter Generations 3DS - Game Code (EU & UK) 平台 - R$ 240.99 Notify me 这种产品上市时通知我 You will be notified when the item is back in stock. ...
Monster Hunter's Nintendo Direct Reveals a New, Upgraded Version of Generations Save games transfer over to the new game, which hasn't been confirmed for outside of Japan yet. Pokemon Go, Monster Hunter Generations, Overwatch's New Hero - The Lobby ...
Keeping with the tradition of Monster Hunter sequels, Generations doesn't rock the boat. Instead, it doubles down on the core formula, while tweaking several existing features to make them much friendlier. Overall, it's an experience designed for Monster Hunter veterans—but one that also extend...