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前几天在一场游戏活动中,举办方挂出了《怪物猎人4:终极版(Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate)》宣传海报,并配有明显的Wii U标志,这不禁让人们联想本作即将登陆Wii U? 就在大家还存在些许疑问之时,卡普空的社区专家Yuri Araujo解释说“这只是个美丽的扯”!那张宣传展布是印刷错误,《怪物猎人4:终极版》还是只会登陆...
However, MH3U is still a port of the original Wii game, Monster Hunter Tri, so while it might run at your television’s native resolution, it doesn’t look comparable to other modern games. The game makes up for its graphical weaknesses in incredible art direction. Each monster and every...
Play with hunters from across the Atlantic from April onwards - With Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate around the corner on both Wii U and 3DS, it promises to bring ...
Underperforming mobile games and Monster Hunter Frontier G cited 31 News Monster Hunter is Ten Years Old Today No sword is too big 15 Weirdness This is How Monster Hunter Beasts Spring to Life at Universal Studios Japan Monstrous monsters on the prowl 73 Soapbox A Monster Hunter Obsession...
《怪物猎人4:终极版(Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate)》或推WiiU版 《怪物猎人》系列可谓为卡普空赚足金钱和名誉,在全球有着海量粉丝,《怪物猎人4》在3DS上的销量从去年9月发售以来已经突破400万份,而即将发售的《怪物猎人4G(美版:<怪物猎人4:终极版>)》相信让不少玩家充满期待,而接下来的事或许将更振奋人心。
joystickPlatforms WiiU play_circleVideos Gameplayopen_in_newReviewsopen_in_new 游戏介绍 Slay spectacular and vicious monsters in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Wii U! 信息来自官方 Nintendo eShop 商店网站,保留各项权利。
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimatewill be released to Wii U and 3DS on March 19. If you're in Europe, the wait is longer by three days. Sections:,Handheld Games, Spook tornjinx da god Seeketh Maximus 456 total posts: 5862 neopoints: 1098 ...
RE5 & RE6 have widely been known to be Capcom’s best selling games for the longest time. Why are you acting surprised? Monster Hunter: World is notable among various other things to be the one game that proved to be more successful than them however. ...
Monster Hunter 3 tri G HD Ver. 修改难度:★☆☆☆ 需求与限制: 1:WiiU 5.3.2 可以使用漏洞的主机。 2:TCPGecko 软件 3:Python 2.x WiiU 魔物猎人 3 G HD 版 简易修改教学 开启Gecko dNet.exe 软件,点选右下 connect to gecko 至你的IP, 成功连线时会提示错误视窗.这时请选择"继续"照常使用 Wii...