10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting Monster Hunter Stories Learn all the things we wish we knew before starting Monster Hunter Stories! The weapon has a Fire element, dealing bonus damage tomonsters weak to the element, such as Lagombi or Zinogre. In addition to this, it has a speci...
Choosing the right weapon in Monster Hunter Rise can be a bit challenging but with a good weapon tier list, your struggles can come to an end. This Monster Hunter Rise Weapons Tier List covers the best weapons and places them in their respective tier slots, helping you pick the best ones....
Our Monster Hunter World Iceborne weapons guide contains tables with all the recipes and stats for every single weapon, including the ones introduced in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. We've also got a suggestion for each weapon class for the best weapon in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. Monster ...
Monster Hunter World Weapons Guide to help you need to know about all the different types of Weapons, Weapon Types, Weapon Skills, and Best Weapon Combos.
Since your performance inMonster Hunter Risehas a lot to do with your gear, we’ve decided to take a look at the best weapon types to start out with — while highlighting specific weapons under each category. Again, keep in mind that all the weapon types in the game are viable in some...
With so many armor sets in Monster Hunter Rise, it's hard to actually find the very best armor pieces to wear in your journey. Hunting monsters can be
The single best solo weapon in the game, the Greatsword is everything you could want and need from aMonster Hunterweapon. Massive, imposing, and capable of dealing big damage to even the most armored monsters. There is rarely an occasion that the Greatsword does not rise to meet. From smal...
單手劍經常是獵人最一開始使用的武器,攻擊次數較多,可以進行密集的連續攻擊。長按時,還能防禦魔物的攻擊。特殊技能「精準突擊連擊」能讓魔物受到強大的連續攻擊洗禮。 大劍 大劍的一擊威力較大,但同時也會露出較大的破綻。可以透過長按施展強大的「蓄力斬」。特殊技能「真‧蓄力斬」能用盡全身力氣對魔物使出斬擊,...
To make this build function, we have to take down the best that the baseMonster Hunter: Worldhas to offer. This means hunting Arch-Tempered Nergigante for most of the armor, bringing your group together to take down Behemoth, and finally, completing some Kulve Taroth runs for your weapon. ...
quickly become one of our favorite games on Nintendo's hybrid machine. As hunters from all over the world gather online to take on many of thegiant monsters available to hunt, but one question remains on every novice hunter's mind — what's the best weapon to use in Monster Hunter Rise...