Monster Hunter World is here and it's brought with it all sorts of monsters and beasts for the intrepid players to hunt, slay, or perhaps capture. Though you can't fight all the monsters at the beginning of the game, they will make themselves known as you progress through the story. Bu...
人称“白兔兽”的怪物。 栖息在寒冷地区,通过投掷冰块和雪来攻击对手。 驾驭动作 超碎岩击 能够破坏裂开的岩石,继续前进。 牵绊技能 粉碎旋转 以坚硬光滑的腹部边滑行边进行旋转攻击。 这样的速度下,根本无法逃开! 怪物一览 火龙 雌火龙 奇怪龙 冰牙龙
活得既强大又狂野的桃毛兽! 牙兽种 桃毛兽王 因其鲜艳的桃色体毛而被称为“桃毛兽王”的牙兽种。 喜欢吃蘑菇。 驾驭动作 藤蔓爬行 活用强而有力的脚和爪,可以攀上长有藤蔓的墙壁等。 牵绊技能 黄色爆臭 超臭放屁攻击! 奇臭无比的气味会令对手陷入异常状态!
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
'Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition' is a set containing both the main game and the massive 'Iceborne' expansion.New quests, monsters, weapons, armor, story, and the unlocking of an all-new 'master rank' await to take your hunting to the next level!Monster Hunter World: Iceborne...
According to one of the Uniqlo Monster Hunter 10th Anniversary T-Shirts, the size of the foot of a Rathalos is 221 centimeters. This may also apply to Azure Rathalos, as the shirt is focused on the main monsters of every generation. Rathalos may use his dive bomb attack as the very ...
or Unknown are a class of monster first introduced in Monster Hunter 4. These monsters belong to an as-of-yet unknown class within the context of the game. The difference between this class and the Unclassified Monster class is that these monsters have been officially identified in-game as ...
The 4.0 pack for Monster Hunter Frontier released on December 17, 2008. Features a new monster and a new area. New location revealed, the Gorge. Located in between canyons, monsters like the Rajang, Tigrex, Flaming Espinas, and the new "Lightning Wyvern"
"Monster Hunter: World" (hoofdgame) “MHW:I” (grote uitbreiding) “MHW:I” Deluxepakket Speciale avatar: “Monster Icon-pakket” Add-ons PS4 Add-onDe Astera 3 Star Chef-jas van de Handler €2,99 PS4 Add-onDe Busy Bee-jurk van de Handler ...