In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd 永久凍土の世界に君臨する迅速の飛竜。巨大な牙と鋭い棘が特徴。翼や尻尾に生えたスパイク状の鱗を巧みに使い、滑りやすい氷の上を自由自在に駆け回る。その能力がある限り、彼の動きについて行くのは非常に困難であろう。別名“氷牙竜”。 Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate ...
Monster Hunter 3 Terrible wyverns called the 'Kings of the Skies'. Together with Rathian, they stake wide territories centered around their nests. Rathalos descend on invaders from the sky, attacking with poison claws and breath of fire. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd 天空の王者と呼称され、畏...
怪物猎人:携带版3 Monster Hunter Portable 3rd Mac版 For Mac 单机游戏 Mac游戏怪物猎人:携带版3,Monster Hunter Portable 3rd,Mac版,For Mac,Mac游戏
PSP - Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - Poogie - The #1 source for video game models on the internet!
This is a new progression fantasy from me, published by Aethon. The release date isn’t set, but I believe it will be 3rd quarter, 2025. Swag Shop opening Hi all- Jack Wylder here. I had someone point out that I still needed to post here about the latest opening. The Swag Shop is...
Stormie's Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (MHP3rd) HD Remake Texture Pack This fork consists of my personal changes/additions to the original upscale project, while still keeping its spirit. The main purpose here is to try to revive the project by rallying some more people to help continuing and...
英文名称:Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver 游戏类型:动作 游戏版本 : 日版汉化 游戏制作:Capcom 游戏发行:Capcom 游戏平台:ps3 游戏大小:4.1GB 发售时间:2011-08-25 游戏语言:简体中文 游戏ID:BLJM85001【 游戏介绍】 《怪物猎人P3 高清版》是以2010 年底推出的PSP《怪物猎人P3》之内容为基础强化游戏画面,...
按键以游戏显示表示, 具体自己确认设置 影响伤害和弹刀的主要元素是 肉质, 除了游戏基础设定的 肉质 还有 斩味, 武器补正, 帧数浮动 影响, 攻击力 和 基础伤害 都属于圈外 斩味 物理伤害 赤050% 橙075% 黄100% 绿105% 蓝120% 白132% 属性伤害 ...