数据取自, PSP 平台, Monster hunter portable 3rd 游戏版本 1.00, 游戏内无法确认版本, 模拟器显示那个也不准 动作数据 先看看教官, 的书怎么说 - 高攻击力. 说的对 武器攻击力看数值都差不多, 这里说的实际是动作设定伤害 - 敏锐的出武器攻击. 说的对 如果不是攻击硬直巨大谁又会总纳刀拔刀的机械运动 -...
数据取自, PSP 平台, Monster hunter portable 3rd 游戏版本大概是 1.02 大型生物有气力的设定, 虽然通常都叫 Stamina, 但相关技能也说气力 气力= 0 进入疲劳状态, 生物的多数攻击 部位耐久 = 0, 硬直触发都会减少气力 气力初始数值随机, 疲劳状态解除气力上限会变化 疲劳状态恢复时怒气达到 80% 直接暴怒 筋藕...
英文名称:Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver 游戏类型:动作 游戏版本 : 日版汉化 游戏制作:Capcom 游戏发行:Capcom 游戏平台:ps3 游戏大小:4.1GB 发售时间:2011-08-25 游戏语言:简体中文 游戏ID:BLJM85001【 游戏介绍】 《怪物猎人P3 高清版》是以2010 年底推出的PSP《怪物猎人P3》之内容为基础强化游戏画面,...
适用于PSP,PS3,JPCSP,PPSSPP 游戏:http://t.cn/RpyYxbO模拟器:http://t.cn/ROm3pYI
3 New Bird Wyverns: Gargwa, Wroggi and Great Wroggi. 1 New Leviathan: Nibelsnarf. 1 New Brute Wyvern: Duramboros. 1 New Elder Dragon: Amatsu, the end-game monster. The Pelagus Monster Type, previously not present in Monster Hunter 3, returns in this game. 3 New Pelagus: Arzuros,...
PSP - Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - Poogie - The #1 source for video game models on the internet!
psp游戏 怪物猎人2 携带版uljm-05156 金手指(PSP game Monster Hunter 2 Portable uljm-05156 gold finger) 热度: 怪物猎人3PSP金手指素材 热度: 怪物猎人P3自用金手指CMF代码整理完整版 热度: 怪物猎人p3hd版金手指.txt(MonsterHunterp3hdversiongold finger.Txt) ...
英文名称:Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver 游戏原名:モンスターハンターポータブル 3rd HD ...
million copies in its opening week as the game was released in Japan, with no release date in America or EMEAA. The last PSP game in the series wasMonster Hunter Freedom Unitewith sales of 857,000 in its opening week in Japan less than half of whatMonster Hunter Freedom 3sold this ...
Stormie's Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (MHP3rd) HD Remake Texture Pack This fork consists of my personal changes/additions to the original upscale project, while still keeping its spirit. The main purpose here is to try to revive the project by rallying some more people to help continuing and...