‘Monster High 2’ – Sequel to Live Action Movie Coming This Halloween to Paramount+ Released last Halloween, Nickelodeon’s live action Monster High: The Movie was a hit for Paramount+, and it looks like a brand new sequel is on the way this Halloween season.“Who’s ready for a ...
The "" Fashion Line doll series, was created by writerand illustrator Kellee Riley. Zadan and Meron said that the new film would be "...'' meets '' meets '' meets 'Edward Scissorhands'..." "", the first original toy franchise for Mattel since "" in 1968, are fashion dolls, with...
The Netflix August 2024 originals, movies, and TV shows have been revealed. The streaming service has also announced which movies and TV series will be leaving next month.The August lineup includes CoComelon Lane Season 3, Emily in Paris Season 4: Part 1, Gabby’s Dollhouse Season 10, A ...
“Terrifier 3” (Opening in theaters on Oct. 11 from Cineverse) — Art the Clown returns in the newest chapter of this stomach-churning series. The kills are somehow even grosser than “Terrifier 2,” as this Christmas season-set film features plenty of scenes with Art dressed as Santa an...
If you recall from ages ago on the High Road, I am the producer of SHOOTING GALLERY on OUTDOOR CHANNEL and a HUGGGGGEEEEE fan of Monster Hunters International. So I’m filming my 10th season of SG, and since I’m probably the highest-rated shooting show ever, the bosses have given me...
increase. 2013 made up for it with a 56% increase. 2014 is on track to handily beat last year. I’ve already paid more in withholding taxes than I made in all of 2010. So my “plummet” is kind of backwards, since it goes up, but I’m guessing Glyver’s posters aren’t ...
The "" Fashion Line doll series, was created by writerand illustrator Kellee Riley. Zadan and Meron said that the new film would be "...'' meets '' meets '' meets 'Edward Scissorhands'..." "", the first original toy franchise for Mattel since "" in 1968, are fashion dolls, with...