THE TOPIC FREE-FOR-ALL IS BACK, BUT A CERTAIN PROP HAD OTHER PLANS! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to the topic that is all topics! But due to a slight hiccup, we don't have our beloved plastic skull full of exciting, and sometimes moldy talki...
LOOKING FOR HIGH QUALITY SEEDBOX? EVOSEEDBOX.COM PROVIDES YOU BLAZING FAST & HIGH END SEEDBOXES | STARTING AT $5.00/MONTH!All Activity Home TorrentInvites Community Start new topic Invite Scene Official Information Announcements News, announcements, and site updates are posted here. Please be...
Monster High-Scaris: City of Frights Monster High: 13 Wishes Monster High: Boo York! Boo York! Monster High: Electrified Monster High: Escape from Skull Shores Monster High: Freaky Fusion Monster High: Friday Night Frights Monster High: Fright On! Monster High: Frights, Camera, Action! Monste...
That's why you still have wishes left in your monkey's paw. Maybe you can use your wish number 2 to wish for the clarity to know what to wish for.+2 MIND / -2 MAGIC Forfeit the opportunity to sound cool and spend your wish on a selfless deed: wish Scott hadn't put his hand ...
serious enemies makes the manoeuver from silly to scary commonplace. Even some of the most dramatic and sober campaigns I have played in featured goofy table talk, full of pop culture references and lines from movies (not to mention the link between Monty Python and D&D is practically cliché)...
To free my mind from the corporate BS of my day job, I started writing again. The first thing I wrote was a thriller. (don’t even ask to see it, because it sucked). After that, I decided I wanted to write a book about monster. I loved B-movies, only the protagonists were alwa...
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. ...
classic movies. His parents have split up because his dad is underemployed and has a drinking problem. Plus, it turns out he’s a criminal. When the drive-in closes after being sold for a new development project, Jughead is truly homeless and ends up sleeping in a closet at the high ...