Just a word of advice, though. Drink these energy drinks in moderation. Even though the label states to limit 3 cans per day.. just drink 1. Really, you'll feel a lot better drinking one for the day instead of going all out and chugging half the case. There is 80mg of caffeine pe...
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There’s a lot more to it than that, of course. Read aboutMonster energy drink benefitson athletic performance and more in this full article. Can you drink Monster daily? While drinking Monster on a daily basis poses no immediate threat, too many Monster Energy drinks can lead to health pr...
Just a word of advice, though. Drink these energy drinks in moderation. Even though the label states to limit 3 cans per day.. just drink 1. Really, you'll feel a lot better drinking one for the day instead of going all out and chugging half the case. There is 80mg of caffeine pe...